
  • At the Based Upon studio, under the watchful eye of based upon's artists.

  • At Based Upon, Anything is possible (they will climb a mountain to cast the hooves of your grandmother's favourite goat and fit it into ann artwork somehow, remember?). At upon, we keep things simple.

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About twist / d

  • Twist/D is Based Upon’s first autonomous piano and is a tightly curated amalgamation of sculpture, experiential technical features and the touch, sound and feel of a fine grand piano. Sculpted in the artist’s signature Twist form, the instrument’s surface has been enriched by a graded blue and white patina, paired with their proprietary blue Tramazite.

    Players of Twist/D are able to select the sound of an instrument on which to play, digitally sculpt it, and then decide which environmental setting they wish to play in. Computer modelled Steinways and Bechsteins from differing eras provide an array of tonal qualities to choose from.

    Attack, tuning and reverb dials provide a compelling level of interactivity for the user. Inspired by vintage synthesisers and designed for optimum tactility, the analogue controls allow the player to transform the piano into a unique performance tool.

    The reverb dial controls environmental settings recorded as Based Upon journeyed into landscape. In a continuation of their practice, site-specific samples were captured, but this time in audio form. These have been documented in the artist’s signature way to become epic cinematic studies in which Based Upon is discovered with large, colourful balloons.

    Vivid geometric intrusions upon wild, desolate vistas were popped to release a sonic explosion, becoming the basis of the unique environmental reverb settings used within the piano.

    The attack function controls the build-up of a note and the speed with which the full frequencies and harmonics are expressed.

    Twist/D’s pitch can also be digitally sculpted using the tuning dial to create a rich, harmonic sound of greater perceived age. When used in combination with the other dials, the sound becomes manipulated so far beyond its original intent, it becomes almost unrecognisable as having emanated from a keyboard instrument.

    An in-built library of music offers a ‘self-play’ function to utilise the bespoke dials to greater extent, while a line-input enables users to further customise Twist/D’s repertoire and use-case.

    A surrender function, a notion often explored in Based Upon’s work, allows the instrument’s software to take over – randomising the attack, age and reverb to provide the performer with a sonic context that they’d never conceive of naturally.