Over the last sixteen years we have worked with copper for its aesthetic qualities. Enriching and warming our palette of liquid metals, copper has added elegance to many of our cast bronze works.
In recent months we have become increasingly aware of the antimicrobial properties of this metal, discovering that it kills viruses and bacteria within a few hours of contact. According to Bill Keevil (Professor of Environmental Healthcare at the University of Southampton), copper doesn’t just kill these pathogens ‘it destroys them, right down to the nucleic acids, or reproductive blueprints, so there is no chance of mutation [or evolution]’.

Upon learning this, we had our Based Upon BC50 bronze liquid metal (our most commonly used high copper content tone) tested to the standard ISO 12702 - the measurement of antiviral activity on plastics and other non-porous surfaces. We are pleased to share that our surface killed 99% of human coronavirus NL63 within 2 hours. to put this in perspective: when coronaviruses lands on other surfaces, such as stainless steel, the virus can live for up to four days. This result means we already have existing bronze works killing bacteria and viruses out in the world. 

existing based upon works in BC50 bronze liquid metal

Copper continually and effortlessly destroys viruses and bacteria, with health benefits being documented since the ancient Egyptians and Romans. During the 19th Century, it was confirmed that copper was effective at preventing cholera when applied to skin. Today, there is a long list of microbes copper has been proven to kill, including: norovirus, MRSA, virulent strains of E. Coli and coronaviruses. 

case study

Pullman Regional Hospital in Washington State, USA installed antimicrobial copper surfaces* on tap levers, door access devices and IV handles throughout their facility. When infection rates lowered as a result of this installation, copper infused blankets, sheets, gowns and towels were implemented.
The hospital-acquired infection rate has reduced by 78%.

This is just one case study; there are now many results showing at least a 50% reduction rate of hospital-acquired infection.

Through understanding the impact copper has, we are left questioning why isn’t it commonly used throughout public spaces, hospitals and transport networks globally.

At Based Upon, we have the opportunity to better protect ourselves, our family and our clients, simply by choosing metals with high copper content. Rather than an interior design shift to an entirely copper based palette, we are able to utilise copper content in a range of colour tones: copper, brass, bronze, gold and even silver. For the moment, we have only certified our most commonly used metal tone: Based Upon BC50 bronze, with the possibility to extend our palette of antiviral surfaces in the near future. 

We are only at the beginning of our innovations with copper. If you are interested in our current antiviral portfolio and future works, please contact us through the link below. 

view the certificate



* Based Upon surfaces were not used in this study

Based Upon